Saturday, March 30, 2013

Killing the Poor with Gun Control

Most,if not all, of the current Gun Control proposals have the unintended consequence of placing the poor at a greater risk of violence. It is no secret that gun violence occurs with greater frequency in poor neighborhoods than elsewhere. Nor is it a secret that the majority of gun violence is committed by people of the same race/ethnicity and economic status as the victim and both often live below the poverty lineand even in the same neighbohoods.

Typically the shooter is using an illegal weapon. The proposed gun control laws make it much more difficult for potential victims to defend themselves because guns will be much more expensive and will be less efficient (smaller magazines and less "gun" for the money). Actually they may not be able to afford a self defense weapon at all, and if they can it may be dangerously (cheaply) made.

Every person has a right to self defense. The gun control freaks would deprive the poor of their life; they would deprive the poor of the pursuit of happiness, and sentence the poor to flee from fear if they can. The gun control lobby knows that there are so many illegal guns in the community that all of the "bad" guys can arm themselves with two guns apiece. And there is enough ammunition to fight a small war. With a little organization, cities such as Detroit, Las Angeles, Chicago, and Washington D.C. can be brought to a functional stop with IEDs and random gunfire. Current and proposed gun control will have no effect on this. The politicians and other supporters cannot help but know that their actions will kill the poor. They do so for their own gain. They do so because they do not care. They have so twisted the message that the poor, often trapped in the worst performing school districts, do not have the reading and analytical skills to see through the propaganda. Proposed gun control legislation will only push the poor further and further into the danger zone.

If this keeps up the only way to get a gun will be to join the "bad" guys ... What will it be like when pockets of poverty become armed and organized? What happens when only armoured vehicles or tanks can enter certain areas of a city (the police in certain cities have already purchased armoured vehicles [urban assault vehicles]). Can we envision a time when we are playing Palestinians and Israelis? All of this because some politicians kept people from defending themselves and their families so that he/she could elected. Disgusting.

Do I KNOW that these people are really out to kill the poor or to precipitate a shooting war between the Haves and the Have Nots? No, I do not. But I do know that they are so blinded by their own ego and their own ambition that they cannot see the deadly consequences of their own actions.

Those of us who can see this tragedy coming need to speak up, not only to our own Representatives, but to the poor.We need to find a way to make obvious to the poor (in spite of the false propaganda) the tragic impact that proposed gun control will have on them.