Monday, February 4, 2013

Author's Notes on Immigration and Illegal Border Crossing

Authors Note:
The Barrier
Clearly this process may take some time – possibly even years. I estimate about 18 months to two years complete the Southern Border Fence (1,969 miles +/-). I believe that this fence should be built along the same lines as the “fence” being built by the Israeli's between their country and Palestine (430 miles +/-). Some of this fence/barrier consists of concrete panels 26' high.
This after all a blog based on the perceived principle of Get'Er Done. One of the primary of which is, “know your desired end result”. What is our desired outcome? We want to stop or at least radically slow down illegal border crossings at the southern border of the USA. In my opinion the barrier is not to be the final deterrent but simply is to delay and detect attempts to cross the border until authorities can respond on scene (target twenty minutes from detection). As opposed to stopping the rocket attacks with which the Israelis have to contend. Among other things super sophisticated electronics will not be needed.
As a nation we need to make this a top priority, crash project. We want to visibly demonstrate that we are serious about this legislation. We are not the same no load, lying politicians that made so many unkept promises during the Reagan administration. Millions of people will be waiting for the completion of the barrier.
How to go from 0 to adequate in 2 years or less. First remember that the goal is to delay and detect. A good plan, the use of readily available materials, multitasking, the prepositioning of materials, and the maximum use of currently available manpower and equipment, are key to a quick build. I am not an engineer nor constructor of significance. My initial thoughts are these:
  • Other than taking advantage of currently constructed barrier components and naturally occurring barriers a first consideration should be given to plowing (harrowing?) a 30 foot swath on the US side of the border. This swath if lose dirt will shoe the imprints of any one/thing crossing it alerting the watching team and trackers via drone surveillance transmission. In addition certain components can be added to the loose dirt to make discovery and tracking easier.
  • As soon as the various parts of the barrier are complete to a point of some effectiveness they should be used as intended.
  • There are hundreds of miles of very difficult terrain along the border which form at least the beginnings of a natural border. These should be taken advantage of. Delay and detect, not necessarily stop.
  • At the beginning available surveillance drones should be positioned as well possible. Contracts should be let for additional drones sufficient to provide 24/7, 365 coverage of the border.
  • Similarly, available helicopters and other people movers sufficient to move men and material to intersect the illegal border crossers and to the Border Transgression Hearing and detention facilities. Contracts should be let for additional helicopters sufficient to provide interdiction within 20 minutes of notification.
  • Since some of the border barrier is already established, operations should begin as quickly as possible, including immediate detention and Border Transgression Hearings.
  • Man power and equipment should be drawn from the Regular Army, Reserves, Corps of Engineers, Reserves, National Guard, Forrest Service, Departments of Transportation, and any other department or organization that receives federal funding. Private resources are not excluded. Particularly high civil and criminal penalties should be included for fraud in this legislation. Performance rewards and penalties should be part of any contract.
  • The barrier project is specifically excluded from the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • An Inspector General's Office will be specifically created to oversee the operations of the barrier project. A report on the barrier project will be made every 6 moths to the appropriate Congressional oversight committees, and to the public. Sufficient staff and funding will be made available to carry out these tasks and will not count against the budget of their home agencies.
  • Any funding currently appropriated, or other resources currently assigned to the construction, or improvement/upgrade of federal roads shall be transferred to the barrier project.
Since Border Transgression hearings are not judicial proceedings, and the accused are not US Citizens and do not have access to Constitutional rights, the Hearing Officer is not a judge and need not be an attorney. A Border Transgressor may be identified either by the sworn testimony of two witnesses, or photographic or other acceptable forensic evidence.
The detainee may speak on his or her own behalf and may present testimony and other evidence felt helpful. In no case should each presentation exceed 20 minutes.
The Hearing Officer has not more than 10 minutes to render the decision.
The decision is to be carried out immediately.
Hearings must be recorded.

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