Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Health Care Crap

CC: Health Care
Before we give ne responsibilities to the Federal Government (Legislative or Executive) we should insist that they prove that they can successfully carry out their current responsibilities. After all. Would you have someone fix your car who trashed most of the previous cars that he had been working on?? Would you ride in an airplane built by a company whose planes had a history of crashing??
Here is a partial list of our government’s inability to get the job done:

  • ·         Iraq war #2: substantial failure of our intelligence agencies.
  • ·         9/11: Critical failure of our intelligence agencies.
  • ·         9/11: Critical failure by the administration to recognize the seriousness of previous attacks and to respond appropriately.
  • ·         Military Health Care: Consistent inability or unwillingness to care for wounded or damaged veterans. This inexcusable failure has occurred ever since the conclusion of the Revolutionary War.
  • ·         Health Care for Native Americans on reservations. Not a new failure. Another failure never resolved.
  • ·         Failure of the Federal Government to live within its income.
  • ·         Inability or unwillingness to adequately fund or govern Washington D.C.
  • ·         Part D of Medicare. Instead of following the very successful example of the Veteran’s Administration the Congress designed and the President signed a program that has the effect of enriching Big Pharma and breaking truly sick seniors (especially if they are dependent on Social [in]Security.
  • ·          The Congress has known since President Carter that we have an energy dependence crisis - and we still have one. This was also a failure of leadership on the part of President Reagan who failed to request adequate funding for the programs (was he connected to the oil industry or is my cynicism just showing?).
  • ·         In the last 20 years we have had 2 major collapses of the stock market. The first because although the government collected money to hire people to police the stock market (Enron and others) the Congress failed to allocate the monies collected for the stated purpose and spent it instead who knows where. Tens of thousands of people lost money because the Congress could not get the job done.

What evidence exists to show that either the Executive branch or the Legislative branch can adequately run a national health care system? Before we give them more responsibility let them first meet the responsibilities they already have.

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