Thursday, December 10, 2009

Obama vs the People

The Obama administration now threatens the Congress elected by the people and the people themselves with the EPA!? So remind me, where in the U.S. Constitution is the EPA required? I couldn't find it. Who established the EPA? The CONGRESS did. Perhaps the Congress should find some SELF-RESPECT and defund the EPA.

Failing that, the EPA should start each year with a zero budget and be forced to defend every expenditure for every activity and every position every year.

Thinking of money, where does the administration get the money to pay the so called czars? What can be done about that?

It's true that the House rules can be used to brutalize the Minority party(ies); to establish a dictatorship of the Majority. BUT, there can be a political cost to that.

Remember: Our legislators should fear us more than the "Bigs" (big Pharma, big Industry, etc.). Make 2010 the term limit for all.

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