Monday, December 28, 2009

Airplanes, Bombs, Security, Detroit and Left Twisted Wing Nuts

As a nation how weak minded are we? Once again some numb nuts shows us up, this time with an underwear bomb. Last time it was a shoe bomb and we have been taking off our shoes ever since. Are we going to have to have our underwear inspected now? I have an idea (if you use this please send me a dollar), you know those Velcro rip off (literally) outer clothes that strippers wear? Perhaps airline travelers could all wear those with bathing suits underneath. Then as they approach the gate they can rip off their outer garments, stuff them in the carryon bag, and stroll through security in their bathing suits and flip flops.

The only reason that we are in this situation is that as a country we listen to the left twisted wing nuts. They practice the idea that everyone in the world has a right to come/live in the US. That is why Home Land Security is wrapped in Swiss cheese and is really Home Land Insecurity. And yes, there is plenty of Presidential blame to go around: Obama, Bush 43, Clinton, Bush 41, and Reagan, were all open border supporters, at least in what they did if not in what they said. And what you do speaks so much louder that what you say.

What should happen on any flight into the US should be this: Everyone must have a passport. All noncitizens must have a Visa. Any person traveling from or born in a non-friendly country, territory, or designated area automatically under goes an automated or personal body search and their luggage is searched both by hand and automation (arrive early or you may miss your plane. Entering the US is a privilege not a right. Play by the rules or do not come).

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