Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Financial Crap

Sometimes Glen Beck on his TV show talks about his head "exploding". That's how I feel about the current so called budget crisis. I say, "so called" because I think that we do not have enough information to know if we have a crisis or not. This Congress is so venal and gutless it makes me want to throw up. Seriously, how stupid do you have to be to not know that when you have dug yourself into a hole the first thing that you do is STOP DIGGING.

That's right:

  1. STOP spending. How tough is that you dummies?
  2. Take inventory of all obligations, financial and others.
  3. Take inventory of all assets, financial and others.
  4. Prioritize all obligations in order of most basic and most important.
  5. Prioritize all assets in order of least basic and least important.
  6. Shift the least basic and least important assets to support the most basic and most important obligations until balance is achieved.
  7. Sometimes non-financial assets (personnel, materiel, etc.,) in addition to financial assets will have to be shifted from least important to support the most important.

An asset not on hand is NOT an asset - It is a fantasy.

So how hard can this be?

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