Thursday, January 24, 2013


I really do not object if the congress extends and raises the debt ceiling for another 90 days as long as at the end of that time they deliver a solution. The real trouble is, I do not think that they will or can. We will see.

I am not a fiscal guy, but basics that I think should be in any agreement are:
  • Always pay the interest and do not borrow money to do it;
  • Full fill the Constitutional requirement – principally defense of the Nation. Do not borrow money to do it;
  • Meet current obligations starting with money owed to US citizens (money borrowed from Social Security (+ interest), etc.);
  • With the exception of Defense (suggest return to Depart of War) and Social Security which is self funded, all programs should be funded at last 2 years levels (even though there was no approved budget). This includes all branches of government;
  • Any new programs requiring funding MUST include statement of need, specify where the funds are coming from (i.e. new taxes, transfer from another program and which program for how long).

Suggested changes to current programs, any savings to be applied only to the principle of the debt. Yearly increases to be limited to the percentage increase in annual tax collection not to exceed the cost of living.

Remove Rule making and rule enforcement authority/responsibility. It may investigate, make recommendations, and publish its findings. Action is the responsibility of the State or Community. Resulting unnecessary personal to be transferred to other programs.

Remove Rule making and rule enforcement authority/responsibility. It may investigate, make recommendations, and publish its findings. Action is the responsibility of the State or Community. Resulting unnecessary personal to be transferred to other programs. States and school districts that have used federal money must publish in a prominent location the results of any relevant DOE report.

All gasoline taxes must only go to the maintenance of currently constructed federal highways. No new federal highway construction (status of highways currently under construction to be negotiated with states and communities [nothing to cross state lines]).

Suggest that it be renamed, Department of Peace. Foreign Aid limited to food and medical, NO arms and NO financial aid (cash or in kind). Diplomatic responsibilities to continue.

May increase by the same percentage as the increase in tax collection over the past two years.

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