Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Peg Board: General Powell on Bill O'Reilly

Last night (1/30) on the Bill  O'Reilly Show, General Colin Powell took exception to John Sununu saying that President Obama was “lazy”. Gen. Powell said that the comment was “racist”. Well, Gen. Powell it is NOT a racist comment if it is true. In this case it is.
Prez. Obama's entire first term was ,marked by having others do work that should have come from the White House as a matter of leadership if nothing else. Most notable of these were Obama Care which he left to the Democrats in Congress; the national budget; and immigration. Most recently he said that he was going to produce a plan to deal with immigration. Instead, he gave a speech in Las Vegas but, typically, produced no written, comprehensive plan to address the problem.
This has NOTHING to do with his race. By any standard the man is just plain lazy. I doubt that General Powell would keep him on staff for very long.

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