Sunday, January 20, 2013

Please support Sen. Lindsey Graham and his effort to block the appointment of THE DIRECTOR OF THE CIA.. Please write to him and let him know of your support and write your own Senators and make it clear that until the events at Benghazi, including the murder of Ambassador Stevens, have been thoroughly explained there will be no new Director of the CIA.

In addition, let's take it to the wall. Let us encourage Senator Graham and all the Senators, Republican or Democrat, and especially the ones that represent us to block any appointments at the Ambassadorial, Secretarial, or Director level, including the Secretary of State, the Treasurer and the ATF. There has not been an adequate explanation the of the Benghazi events. This failure on the part of the US Government is a slap in the face to the professionals who represent us in our nation to the rest of the world. Regardless of which party you support or which party represents you in Congress it should be made to understand that, Republican or Democrat, on this single issue stands your vote in the next election.

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