Saturday, January 26, 2013



Sometimes it's spinning, but often it's just plain lying. The most recent example has to do with the District Court's overturning of Prez Obama’s so called recess appointments to the NLRB, NOT because they were recess appointments during a recess of the Senate, but because THEY WERE NOT. Obama and his henchmen claim that every President has done this. That is a flat out lie and they know it. NO President has attempted to make a “recess appointment” while the Senate was still in session. The real issue is IF the Senate was is session or not.
What is bothersome about this is that the lying, and twisting, and spinning is so juvenile, so unnecessary. Having a disagreement with the Congress that has to be set straight by the courts is no big deal. What an administration filled with adults would have done would be to take the disagreement to the courts as soon as they could and ask for clarification on an expedited basis. But not these guys, oh no. Like a bunch of juveniles they go about their business pretending that everything is correct even though they have bee warned by the Senate that they are out of line.
Now because Prez Obama and his henchmen were so self-centered, so headstrong, we are in a position where at least 3 appointments to the Board have been overturned and perhaps as many as 218 rulings will be invalidated. All of this confusion, wasted time, and wasted money just because the President set himself above the law.
Grow up Mr. President. Submit yourself to the law and the custom of the land.

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